Lower costs,
higher income.

We provide easy and flexible access to:

⚡️Lower grid fees
⚡️Cheaper electricity bills
⚡️Income from flexible consumption

We facilitate smarter consumption based on your preferences and market needs for flexibility. This helps to reduce your energy costs and grid stress, which you are automatically rewarded for.

You can start with Homey already today. No Homey? Express your interest, as we are continuously evaluating new smart home technologies, electric vehicles, and other equipment for our future integrations. Only available in Norway at the moment, more countries later in 2024.


  • Smart load management

    NeoWatt connects to your smart home, electric vehicle, or other smart loads such as hot water. The more loads you have digitised, the more power we can control, and therefore utilise in our measures for saving and optimisation for you.

  • Automatic optimisation

    We will seamlessly optimise your loads based on your preferences. You can decide whether we should assist with either predictable and/or lower grid fees and/or lower electricity bills and/or income from consumer flexibility. You decide.

  • Passive income

    Based on the number and size of manageable loads you have available for us, we can sell your flexible capacity when you don't need it, where your local or national grid company will reward with cash for your flexible consumption patterns.

Commercial customers & partners

We are currently developing a set of integrations that will allow for similar savings and income opportunities for companies and commercial properties with flexible loads. If you would like to know more, please get in touch with us commercial@neowatt.no

We are also able to supply BRPs, DSOs, TSOs and FSPs with access to our platform, APIs and white-label portal for seamless and low cost management of flexible assets and income optimisation. If you would like to know more, please get in touch with us fsp@neowatt.no